My Services
Web Design
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Fusce lorem ex, fringilla eget consequat ut, molestie sit amet nibh. Nullam vitae tincidunt
Video Editing
Aenean pretium nulla libero, vitae iaculis libero efficitur a. Fusce ut augue finibus quam
Copy Writing
Fusce lorem ex, fringilla eget consequat ut, molestie sit amet nibh. Nullam vitae tincidunt
Aenean pretium nulla libero, vitae iaculis libero efficitur a. Fusce ut augue finibus quam
App Developing
Duis molestie enim mattis gravida viverra. Fusce ut eros augue. Sed id mauris vel neque
About Me
Hi There
As a full-stack developer at Smartsys Technology, I have been developing and maintaining various web and mobile applications using cloud-native architecture, JavaScript, Python, Go, PHP, React, Next.js, React Native, Node.js, MySQL, and MongoDB. I have used AWS, Digital Wallet API, RabbitMQ, and other tools and technologies to create progressive, responsive, and secure solutions for clients and users.
I graduated with a bachelor's degree in information technology from Federation University Australia in 2019, where I was awarded the Golden Key Honour Society membership for academic excellence. I am passionate about solving problems, learning new skills, and aspiring to be a leader in the field of software development.
- Name:
- Chandra Shrestha (CB)
- Phone:
- +61-0415598714
- Email:
- Twitter:
- cbisum
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